Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's been awhile...

Well, I'm back! It's been quite some time since I've last posted. If been told that some people have been looking at my seagull pictures since I posted them. Well the wait is over, I'm back and hope to be posting a lot more in the future. So a lot of things have happened since I last posted, some have been sad, others nice, some have been really fun. I've really been having fun this school year. Being at the top of the middle school "food chain" has it's perks. I've been doing a lot of reading, I'm really excited about some movies that have come out, and some that will be coming out soon!
I went to see The Hobbit, which was AWESOME! I really enjoyed it!

I also went to see Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, which really wasn't my thing, but actually made me laugh at some parts! I went for a volley-ball wind up with the rest of the team.

Now for movies that I want to see!
I just finished reading City of Lost Souls, well, I actually read it I while back, but a movie is being made for the first book in the Mortal Instruments series and I REALLY want to go see it!

This is a link to the trailer!! Yay!

The next movie is Beautiful Creatures, which by the way, I just finished reading today at school, the ending almost made me cry in the middle of library, but I guess that's just the power of a good book huh?
Another trailer link! Huzzah!!!
Anyway! That's all I have for now! Hope this satisfies those who have been staring at my seagull pictures! (You know who you are!) :)
Until next time!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bird Shots at Victoria Beach

Hello! I lost the little piece of paper that had my password on it, but I found it now, so all is good. I come bringing sad news. My dog Ruby, passed away on July 12, 2012. I know, it sucks. But I like to think that she's running around with my neighbours dogs in a big open field chasing bunny rabbits.
May she rest in peace.


Okay thats actually not what I wanted to post about, I got back from Victoria Beach about a week ago, and while I was there I got some cool pictures of these birds, I don't know what they're called, but I called them black caps, with some Seagull shots throw in too.
This Seagull was always giving me the evil eye!

This little guy kept coming closer and closer to me!

These guy kind of look like they're singing together,
and the seagull is like, "What?"
This one was probably my favourite shot!
I love the wave coming in behind the bird.

The guy in the back kept copying the guy in the front!
Too funny!

Something spooked them and they all took off at one point, but they all came back as we left.

This one was good too, the detail was really good and he came really close, I guess these birds aren't afraid of anything!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Harry Potter, what else?

Hello people! So today I was reading someone else's blog, and she had the awesome idea to write out you favourite Harry Potter scenes on her blog, and I'm like, "How could I have not thought of this?" Anyway, here's mine, but before I do that, I want to talk about Severus Snape. Talk about a complex character right? Your all thinking wow Snape's a jerk, then J.K. comes in and sweeps Snape off of his nest of nastiness, and puts him on a gleaming white pedestal. And your like, whoa, maybe he wasn't that bad! Now, what I'm about to say next is a spoiler, so don't look if you haven't read Harry Potter. (I am not to be held responsible for any spoiling of the Harry Potter books or movies, that means if you look anyway, It's not my fault.)
So if your still here, then I assume that you are all good, right?
So, here we go, my favourite scene is also a sad one, but also one of forgiveness,
Now I know I can't write the whole thing out, but I want to quote my favourite lines.
The scene is...
Snape's death.
These lines are at the end of chapter thirty-two, I own nothing, this is all J.K. Rowling's work.

When the flask was full to the brim, Snape looked like there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robs slackened.
"Look..." he whispered.
The green eyes found black, but after a second something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.
That was such a unbelievably well written scene!
So heart wrenching and deep.
I would love to write like that.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In deep

I've been doing so thinking, reading, and more thinking, and I've decided that we don't understand the universe we live in. Like we don't understand how small we are, or how we affect what we've been given by whoever bothered to make us. We ask questions sure, and there are some people who are openminded enough to move us with what the say and make us think. I think that Chris D' Lacey is one of these people. I just re-read his book Dark Fire, and the story went by really fast and I didn't understand all of it. So I guess what I'm saying is, the things he writes about, and the things that he describes are so important and hugely to do with understanding the universe that I couldn't understand him. His stories of bears and dragons are so amazing. I love polar bears now that I've read his books, and dragons too. I think I've become more enlightened to the universe around me now that I've read his books, there's just so much going on in the universe and we are only a portion of it.
So I finish this blog post with a challenge,
next time you don't understand something, think if it in the sense of the universe, why is this here? What is it for? And you might understand it. But the universe is very big, don't try to understand all at once, let it come to you, or else you head hurts. :)

(All you Last Dragon Chronicles readers will understand this last bit.)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

In a nutshell, I'm Hitting the Books

Yep, the title kind of says it all. Today I'm studying for a spelling bee that I will take part in in the coming week. I have to study three sections of words and I have been locked in my room for what seems like hours on end. There is nothing I would change about my situation though, I've got a tea, my words a notebook with crisp clean pages and a laptop for definitions later on, earlier in the day I had my blind open and my light off for some natural light, I find that better for studying. I've tried many spelling techniques but I find that this one works even better then all the rest. Finding the definitions for all the words them making a sentence out of them that works. I also find that if you are using the dictionary on the computer, just typing in the word in the search bar helps, because words that I didn't think I could spell, turns out I can! There are many other students participating in this bee, but as a person that really admire says, "You just have to enjoy the ride because if you stress yourself out, you'll miss the amazing view of what you've done for yourself.
Until next time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


We Day. The day where we put aside our differences for a better world. I had the opportunity to be a part of this amazing event today. To see the amazing people who helped with this cause and hear there stories. We Day is much more then a day. It's a month, year, or life time movment. A day where we are all the same, no matter who you are. Everyone was getting involved, everyone wanted to make change. The amazing stories of those who had suffered, or who family suffered, or even if the suffering is still going on today, they wanted to be a part of this. They kept telling us that this was our generation, our time, our place. That we could make change, we could be change. The lights, sounds, and colours all made it very exhilarating.
Then we braked for lunch.
After lunch we heard more speakers then...
Hedley preformed, as did Down With Webster and Shawn Desman. A former vice president spoke as did Hannah Taylor. It was a truly amazing thing to be apart of this.
I will remember it forever.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Books! Love it when they come out!
So this week's book is Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan! It's a follow up to Book One, The Lost Hero. I am hoping to get my hands on it before the week is over. I read a little of the first chapter on Rick's website, but i didn't want to read to far, because I like it to be a surprise when I get it.
I was thinking to myself, how does he do it? I mean rick is working on 2 book series at the same time! the Kane Chronicles, and the Heroes of Olympus!
It's crazy! for those of you not familiar with Rick's work, he has written some very good books, like, The Percy Jackson series, which is 5 books! Plus more! he is someone I really look up to as a writer, he makes it feel like your write there, fighting battles, invading enemy fortresses, and even in those parts of the book where the characters are alone, you feel like your there, but the can't see you. It's like you can go everywhere and back, and never leave your room.
Books like that really speak to you, and you can never judge a book by it's cover, but it's easier to judge what a book has inside it if you go a little farther and read the blurb.

Thats all for now!