Sunday, January 8, 2012

In a nutshell, I'm Hitting the Books

Yep, the title kind of says it all. Today I'm studying for a spelling bee that I will take part in in the coming week. I have to study three sections of words and I have been locked in my room for what seems like hours on end. There is nothing I would change about my situation though, I've got a tea, my words a notebook with crisp clean pages and a laptop for definitions later on, earlier in the day I had my blind open and my light off for some natural light, I find that better for studying. I've tried many spelling techniques but I find that this one works even better then all the rest. Finding the definitions for all the words them making a sentence out of them that works. I also find that if you are using the dictionary on the computer, just typing in the word in the search bar helps, because words that I didn't think I could spell, turns out I can! There are many other students participating in this bee, but as a person that really admire says, "You just have to enjoy the ride because if you stress yourself out, you'll miss the amazing view of what you've done for yourself.
Until next time!