Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Teachers Topic

Hi everyone!
This time I am going to write about something that my teacher wanted me to write about.
He wanted me to to write something called: "The World," By Ebear.
So here we go!
My evaluation of the world is always shifting.
Sometimes I think we have a good world, and sometimes not so much.
I like a lot of things about this earth, the fact that I can go and ride a bike in the spring and summer.
I also like that I can have a snowball fight in the winter and play in the leaves in the fall.
The world is very special, 1: Because it gives use our natural resources. and 2: It keeps us from falling into the empty void of space. Ha Ha :)
There are lots of problems like the fact that the earth is getting polluted and the trees are getting cut down.
I feel that we as the people of this earth, can do better than what we're doing now!
It is time to start really caring for our earth!

Sorry, I'm getting off topic again.

I like the world because, well, Its solid and, again, It keeps us from falling into the empty void of space.
So here you go, thats my evaluation of the world!
Check back real soon!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New year!

It's a new year everybody! Well, almost anyway.
In the year 2011 I want to recycle more and help keep our planet clean!
I also want to spend more time with my friends that went to a different school than me.
We have lots of time in life to get things done.
No. scratch that, we actually don't, it's not like we have a short while to live, but as they say, life is short.
Sorry. I'm getting off topic.
What I'm trying to say is that, what you want to do in the new year isn't going to just happen, you have to make it happen.
If you want to read more, you have to go and pick up a book, a book isn't just going to read itself for you!
So if there is something you want done this year, DO IT!
I'm going to call up my friends and tell her that I want to get together some time.
And I'm going to eat a "no litter lunch," I'm going to do those things this year.
I want you to post what you want to get done this year and tell me how it's going to happen!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Time!

Oh. My. Gosh.
I am sooooooooo sorry for how long it took me to write this!
Anyway, I am so excited for the holidays, which are tomorrow!
I'm doing a play at my church tonight and I get to open one, just one present.
Wait till you here what we did at school on the last day!
The highlight was the dance it was so cool! There were lots of lights and sounds coming form all directions and the music was really, really, REALLY loud.
My friend even got a shout out because it was her birthday
On Christmas day the day will go something like this:
We get up, we open presents, we chase the dog around because she has wrapping paper in her mouth and won't give it up, the we hang out and chill for the rest of the morning, the we go for Christmas dinner for the rest of the night.
And hey people!
I want to here how YOUR holidays went!
Post on my blog and tell me!
Merry Christmas!