Saturday, March 3, 2012

In deep

I've been doing so thinking, reading, and more thinking, and I've decided that we don't understand the universe we live in. Like we don't understand how small we are, or how we affect what we've been given by whoever bothered to make us. We ask questions sure, and there are some people who are openminded enough to move us with what the say and make us think. I think that Chris D' Lacey is one of these people. I just re-read his book Dark Fire, and the story went by really fast and I didn't understand all of it. So I guess what I'm saying is, the things he writes about, and the things that he describes are so important and hugely to do with understanding the universe that I couldn't understand him. His stories of bears and dragons are so amazing. I love polar bears now that I've read his books, and dragons too. I think I've become more enlightened to the universe around me now that I've read his books, there's just so much going on in the universe and we are only a portion of it.
So I finish this blog post with a challenge,
next time you don't understand something, think if it in the sense of the universe, why is this here? What is it for? And you might understand it. But the universe is very big, don't try to understand all at once, let it come to you, or else you head hurts. :)

(All you Last Dragon Chronicles readers will understand this last bit.)

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