Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Harry Potter, what else?

Hello people! So today I was reading someone else's blog, and she had the awesome idea to write out you favourite Harry Potter scenes on her blog, and I'm like, "How could I have not thought of this?" Anyway, here's mine, but before I do that, I want to talk about Severus Snape. Talk about a complex character right? Your all thinking wow Snape's a jerk, then J.K. comes in and sweeps Snape off of his nest of nastiness, and puts him on a gleaming white pedestal. And your like, whoa, maybe he wasn't that bad! Now, what I'm about to say next is a spoiler, so don't look if you haven't read Harry Potter. (I am not to be held responsible for any spoiling of the Harry Potter books or movies, that means if you look anyway, It's not my fault.)
So if your still here, then I assume that you are all good, right?
So, here we go, my favourite scene is also a sad one, but also one of forgiveness,
Now I know I can't write the whole thing out, but I want to quote my favourite lines.
The scene is...
Snape's death.
These lines are at the end of chapter thirty-two, I own nothing, this is all J.K. Rowling's work.

When the flask was full to the brim, Snape looked like there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robs slackened.
"Look... at...me..." he whispered.
The green eyes found black, but after a second something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.
That was such a unbelievably well written scene!
So heart wrenching and deep.
I would love to write like that.

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